Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Postingan Sebelum US, UAN, dan Ujian Praktek

Heeya, readers. Huah, akhirnya inget juga mau posting. Kemaren sempet lupa gara-gara dibuat sibuk sama ThinkQuest. Trus fanfic HiruMamo dan RPing bareng Ana. Sibuk (main) deh pokoknya! *ditimpukin* Yah, gini-gini gue juga belajar kok. Malah lebih rajin dari biasanya. Gue sendiri aja ngga percaya. Tapi tetep aja di kelas bandel, baca fanfic kalo ngga twitteran. Dan secara ajaib nilai gue naik (ngga termasuk IPA ya!). Rata-rata juga jadi.. ehm, ya lebih enak diliat daripada yang kemaren-kemaren deh. Aside from ngomongin nilai-nilai sekolah yang gue yakin kalian pasti bakal nyuruh gue belajar kalo diomongin, gue mau cerita aja tentang keadaan gue dan anak-anak HMBS. Mereka masih tetep memperlakukan gue dengan baik, yang bikin gue terus-terusan nanya dalem hati gue "Kok mereka baik banget sih sama gue?" Gue ngga pernah ngerasa udah ngelakuin hal baik buat mereka karena gue juga ngga pernah mikir sampe ke situ. Kalo gue boleh jujur, gue belom pernah sepeduli ini sama orang lain. Jadi gue mungkin agak norak waktu baru dapet temen di SMP. Gue ngga pernah nerima senyuman kayak gitu waktu SD (kecuali dari beberapa anak yang cukup baik sama gue, bukan manfaatin gue) Intinya gitu deh. Gue juga pengen ngaku kalo gue sebenernya ngga punya hak apapun untuk nge-judge iMori seenak jidat. Karena gue juga pernah ngerasain hal yang sama kayak dia. Tapi seenggaknya gue ngga pernah menyalahkan mereka. Gue ngga mau ngebenci mereka karena ego gue sendiri. Kalo kadang-kadang gue mojok kayak anak autis, berarti gue lagi mikirin sesuatu yang pribadi, lagi asik sama musik yang gue dengerin, atau ngantuk. Nah, sekarang kita cerita yang lain yuk. Tadi gue bilang kalo gue lagi bikin fanfic kan? Nah, rencananya gue bakal nge-post fanfic itu di sini. Rinciannya sebagai berikut (emang surat?): Title: Dear God Author: Asuka Nakamura (pen name gue di FFN) Rating: T Pairing: Yoichi Hiruma & Mamori Anezaki (Eyeshield 21) Jadi setting ceritanya waktu Hiruma sama Mamori lulus dari Universitas Saikyoudai. Hiruma ngasih tau Mamori kalo dia sama Yamato mau ke Amerika. Gimana reaksi Mamori? Silakan baca di FFN famdom Eyeshield 21. Yang punya account di sana, review ya! Oke, udahan dulu ngebacotnya. Tangan gue udah pegel. See ya in the next post!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Current Feeling

Hell-o guys!! Kemaren emang gue baru posting sih, tapi berhubung gue lagi kesel (?), gue pengen nge-post lirik lagu yang ngegambarin pikiran gue. Here goes, False Pretense and Pen & Paper by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus + Friend or Foe? by t.A.T.u lyrics! False Pretense by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Oh, it's time to let it go The world's got a funny way of turning 'round on you When a friend tries to stab you right in the face Losing faith in everything I thought I hoped I knew Don't sweat it, {it was} set on false pretense Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change And it doesn't seem likely to fade Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change Cu-cu-cu-cuz you know... It's sacrifice False pretense you'll hurt again Stop pretending don't deny it False pretense you'll hurt again All along you know you thought you got the best of me {But} you were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face I cannot believe you claimed you were my family Don't sweat it - it's set on false pretense Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change And it doesn't seem likely to fade Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change Cu-cu-cu-cuz you know... It's sacrifice False pretense you'll hurt again Stop pretending to deny False pretense you'll hurt again Guitar Oh, it's time to let it go I can't seem to understand it how you turned out to be so cold You tried but were caught red handed, are you happy with your role? It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke... It's sacrifice False pretense you'll hurt again Stop pretending don't deny it False pretense you'll hurt again So play the game until you run out And play the game into my hand Next song: Pen and Paper by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus!! *handclaps* Pen and Paper by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus This whole routine is getting old so am I and so are you My reputation lets me know I can do whatever I want to Though it seems that you believe You can do whatever it is you please Know before, know before you wind up on your knees Don't cry to me no more You like the way that people stare at you Now you look so fake, just thought that you should know And you're all the same, and when the curtain drops down You'll be replaced by something typical You set yourself up to the sold and that's ok cause that's your role Manipulation takes its toll What will you do when nobody wants you Though it seems that you believe You can do whatever it is you please Know before, know before you wind up on your knees Don't cry to me no more You like the way that people stare at you Now you look so fake, just thought that you should know And you're all the same, and when the curtain drops down You'll be replaced by something typical I know, I've stood so long beside you And I know, I should've left you right where I had found you I know, I've stood so long beside you And I know, I should've left you right where I had found you You like the way that people stare at you Now you look so fake, just thought that you should know And you're all the same, and when the curtain drops down You'll be replaced by something typical You like the way that people stare at you Now you look so fake, just thought that you should know And you're all the same, and when the curtain drops down You'll be replaced by something typical Last song: Friend or Foe by t.A.T.u Friend or Foe by t.A.T.u Is it too late Nothing to salvage You look away Clear all the damage The meaning to All words of love Has disappeared We used to love one another Give to each other Lie under covers so, Are you friend or foe Love one another Live for each other So, are you friend or foe Cause I used to know The promises Hollow concessions And innocent show of affection I touch your hand A hologram Are you still there We used to love one another Give to each other Lie under covers so, Are you friend or foe Love one another Live for each other So, are you friend or foe Cause I used to know Is it too late Nothing to salvage You look away Clear all the damage The meaning to All words of love Has disappeared We used to love one another Give to each other Lie under covers so, Are you friend or foe Love one another Live for each other So, are you friend or foe Cause I used to know Semua lagu yang gue taro di posting ini mungkin keliatan banget ya tentang apa. Inti dari 3 lagu ini pokoknya tentang pengkhianatan gitu, walaupun lagu dan kasusnya beda-beda. Tapi seenggaknya gue bisa sedikit lega karena udah nulis posting ini. Btw, kalo tulisannya bold + warna merah kayak gini, tandanya gue nagsih penekanan sama kalimat itu. Maklum aja ya. Soalnya gue kesel setengah mati sama beberapa orang (elah, dua orang aja nulisnya beberapa). Kalo penasaran sama 3 lagu ini, just go Google it, okay? These songs are recommended. Song lyrics © LyricsMania.Com Oke, gak banyak bacot dulu deh. See ya on the next post!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Fxxk-lentine!

Heeya readers! Huwaa udah 2 minggu ngga ngepost! Apa kabaaar? Betewe, mungkin judul posting ini agak ngga sopan, tapi bodo amatlah. Soalnya gue lagi kesel nih (who cares?) gara-gara satu bocah yang pikirannya sangat nonsense! Daripada gue ngamuk disini, mendingan gue langsung aja ya. Here goes! Walaupun FUCKlentine udah lewat, gue (dengan tampang nodong) berhasil dapet coklat dari Hikacchi. Enak juga kok. Fyi, gue gak bikin coklat buat siapapun, termasuk Ano-Hito. Alasannya kayak biasa, gak modal. Walaupun sekarang gue sering dapet duit lebih, tetep aja kalo ngga boros itu ngga gue banget! *dibantai bonyok* Akari juga ngasi coklat. Trus Al sama Anacchi dapet coklat dari kohai fans mereka. Selamat deh! Second story, jumat kemaren semua anak HMBS speak up dipimpin Ishii dan Mihacchi. Rata-rata anak-anak bilang gue terlalu tertutup karena jarang cerita kalo ada masalah. Gue juga udah tau alasan sikap Falah dan Akari kayak gitu. Gue cuma bisa bilang kalo gue menghargai mereka dan bla bla yang panjang. Pokoknya gue ngerasa lega banget. Sayang Al sama Tama pulang duluan. Third story, gue jadi sering buka facebook. Mungkin karena temen-temen yang CMX 20 belom banyak yang punya twitter. Lagian gue lagi nahan diri buat ngga ngetweet. Soalnya gue mau ngasih hadiah kecil buat Ano-Hito. Kemaren gue iseng ngomenin status Ano-Hito. Akhirnya malah jadi bales-balesan. Kira-kira kayak gini: Status: i miss you Gue: siapa tuuh? Hahaha Dia: adadeeeh :p hehe Gue: gitu ah sekarang main rahasia2an =3= Ceweksialentahdarimana: who? Dia: @ganish: tuh orangnya ikutan comment. haha @ceweksial: kamuu Ceweksial: <3 Dia: <3 hahaa Ceweksial: gitu ya gak sms aku Gue: -___-' gue ganggu ya? Gue langsung kumat. Opera mininya gue close dan maso gue kambuh, gue jedotin pala ke tembok. Monyet lo berdua! Forth story: tadi Kazuma ultah, jadi dia traktir anak-anak HMBS makan mie ayam. Pas Dessy ngajak iMori, katanya dia ngga ikut. Pas sampe di tempat mie ayam, gue iseng buka blog iMori dan gue bener-bener ngga terima dengan apa yang dia tulis di blog itu. Katanya dia keluar dengan alasan kesel sama beberapa orang. Dia juga ngga peduli walaupun gue kecewa dengan cara pikirnya. Loh, bukannya justru karena itu ada speak up? Jadi karena itu dia ngejauhin kita? Pas gue tunjukin blog iMori ke Chii sama Vai, mereka marah banget. Mereka, sama kayak gue, ngga nyangka pikirannya bakal sesempit itu. Gue ngga nyangka bahwa gue akan dapat jawaban yang sekali lagi mengecewakan dan tentunya ngga cuma gue yang kecewa sama cara pikir yang kayak gitu. Well, mungkin itu aja yang mau gue ceritain. Oh iya, doain gue, Al, sama Putri biar kontes di ThinkQuestnya sukses ya! See ya!